2021: The year of ESG


Since it arose from a group with affirmed humanist values, Sofiouest carries in its genes the qualities of the responsible investor. Logically, ESG* is more critical to its governance and its investment processes than ever before.

In order to formalize its approach and amplify its action by involving its participations, in 2020 Sofiouest’s Board of Directors launched various initiatives that are both strategic and concrete:

o Creating an ESG Steering Committee: The Committee meets quarterly, informs the Board of Directors’ work in this area, and is involved both in monitoring best practices and in designing tools and procedures… Chaired by Sonia Trocmé-Le Page, Founder of Nantucket Capital Conseil, an impact investment consultancy, who is also a Director of Sofiouest, this Committee is made up of 7 members, both internal and external, who are chosen for their experience in CSR matters.

o The finalization of an ESG charter which will be published very soon.

o ESG audits are now carried out for all holdings, both prior to investment and for all existing stakes.

o Beginning special support for shareholdings, with the aim of having ESG action plans in place at more than half of them starting in 2021.

o Holding the 3rd Human & Capital Network Meetings (platform for exchanges between entrepreneurs supported by Sofiouest, the ecosystem of the SIPA Ouest-France group and that of Arkéa to collectively improve the impact of their activities on society and the environment). During a one-day September 2020 gathering called “Business for good, Good for business” on the topic of “ESG & Economic performance”, they highlighted their shared interest in now-strategic subjects such as the company’s mission, the introduction of more “open” managerial practices, the sharing of value with employees, and how to optimize the environmental footprint of digital technology.

The ramp-up of ESG initiatives within Sofiouest’s scope of action will continue in 2021, and will be the subject of a specific section of the company’s Annual Report.

(*) ESG: ESG – Environmental, Social and Governance criteria – are analysis criteria that make it possible to assess whether sustainable development and long-term issues are taken into account in companies’ strategy.

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